
Great Lakes Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Utility & Street Improvements – Lincoln St, Maple St, and Courtland St


City of Rockford | Fee CCO Credit

City of Rockford | Fee CCO Credit

The City of Rockford will be reconstructing the street and sidewalk along with replacing water, wastewater, and storm water utilities along portions of Lincoln, Maple and Courtland Streets. The purpose of this project is to improve water system reliability, replace old structurally deficient sanitary and storm sewers, and completely reconstruct the streets and sidewalks within the project area. While this project may not directly affect your property, it may affect your daily commute and your ability to use nearby sidewalks.

The areas included in this project are:

    - Maple Street from Main Street to Lincoln Street.

    - Lincoln Street from Division Street to Courtland Street.

    - Courtland Street from Dayton Street to Pearl Street.

Construction is scheduled to start on-site the week of April 17, 2023. Prior to the commencement of construction, trees will be marked in the public right-of-way to be cleared as necessary. The tree clearing work is tentatively scheduled for early March.

The tentative construction schedule is as follows:

    - Maple Street: mid-April through mid-August

    - Courtland Street: mid-April through mid-June

    - Lincoln Street: June through September

We have created a City Projects page on our website where we will have periodic updates about this and other projects throughout the City. You can access this page with the following link: https://www.rockford.mi.us/public_services/city_projects.php

Please feel free to contact the City at 616-866-1537 should you have questions.  Thank you for your patience during this project. 

Original source can be found here.