
Great Lakes Wire

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Senate Candidate Rogers: Due to ‘influx of illegal immigrants, our children are falling behind’

Webp mike rogers senate candidate michigan

U.S. Senate Candidate Mike Rogers | https://www.rogersforsenate.com/

U.S. Senate Candidate Mike Rogers | https://www.rogersforsenate.com/

Mike Rogers, U.S. Senate Candidate in Michigan, stated that the "influx of illegal immigrants" is limiting resources and causing American public school children to fall behind. Rogers gave his statement to the Great Lakes Wire on May 30.

"It's more imperative than ever that we get our schools back to teaching the basics and make sure every child reaches their potential," said Rogers. "As a product of Howell Public Schools, I know firsthand how critical it is that we invest in our children and their futures. It's clear that as a result of Gretchen Whitmer's senseless lockdowns, a woke agenda pushed by the teachers unions, and now an influx of illegal immigrants, our children are falling behind as evidenced by less than half of high school graduates being able to read at the 12th grade level. We must do better so that the next generation isn't left with the same failures we see today where children cannot read and families cannot afford a home, or even gas and groceries."

One million immigrant children have arrived in the U.S. since 2021, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). These children enter school systems in cities, introducing funding and staffing problems into public schools.

According to the WSJ, a school district in Massachusetts has increased expenses by $500,000 to provide shelter and education for migrant children. The increase in children seeking shelter has made it more difficult for teachers to acclimate migrant children to America and educate them as needed.

Rogers said it is "imperative" that the school system must be reformed to encourage the potential of all students. "Our children are falling behind as evidenced by less than half of high school graduates being able to read at the 12th grade level," he told the Great Lakes Wire.

Rogers represented Michigan in Congress from 2001-2015, according to his website. He served as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and is currently running for election to the U.S. Senate in Michigan.



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