
Great Lakes Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Public Informational Meeting


Riverside Sand and Gravel Landfill and Millennium Park, Kent County, MI

The Michigan Per - and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Action Response Team is hosting a virtual public information meeting to inform the community about PFAS sampling data in groundwater and in surface water detected at Riverside Sand and Gravel Landfill. Riverside Sand and Gravel Landfill is located at 2780 Butterworth Drive, Grand Rapids Michigan, 49534, and includes the surrounding Millennium Park in Kent County.

The meeting is planned for May 17 from 6 - 7:30 pm. Click here to register.


Riverside Sand and Gravel Landfill started operation in the mid to late 1970s in what is now the northern part of Millennium Park. The landfill was primarily a construction and demolition landfill consisting of mostly large concrete pieces. Historical documents indicate that Riverside Sand and Gravel Landfill accepted some material that was not permitted or allowed to be disposed of in a regulated construction and demolition landfill. Previous groundwater monitoring information shows that Riverside Sand and Gravel Landfill is impacting groundwater quality downgradient of Riverside Sand and Gravel Landfill. EGLE sampled groundwater and surface water for PFAS based on historical landfill practices and groundwater information.

To learn more about Riverside Sand and Gravel Landfill and PFAS sampling results, click here or contact Kent Walters either by email or phone at (616) 278-4350.


To attend the meeting, register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you do not have internet access and would like to join by PHONE ONLY, please call (636) 651-3142, and enter conference code 374288. Pre-registration is not required. Individuals interested in participating can also enter the link above into their Web browser at the start of the meeting (6:00 P.M.) to join

Individuals needing language assistance or accommodations for effective participation at the meeting should contact Kelly Ploehn at (517) 897-4670, by May 9, 2022, to request language, mobility, visual, hearing, translation, and/or other assistance.

Original source can be found here.