
Great Lakes Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Douglas Chester Wozniak's campaign pays $143 to Sam's Club

The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Douglas Chester Wozniak, the Committee to Elect Douglas C. Wozniak, paid $143 to Sam's Club on October 15.

According to quarterly campaign statements filed with Michigan’s Secretary of State, the following reason was given for the expenditure: 'candy for trunk or treat'.

The committee has spent about $35,288 total since the beginning of the year, 1 percent of which has gone to Sam's Club.

The following table lists the 71 payments the committee has made this year.

1HRCCDirect contribution$3,0002019-04-16
1David LeducWages$3,0002019-01-11
3Incentive SupplyCampaign pens$1,3912019-08-15
4Younique CardsIn house printing$1,1552019-07-31
5Empire Sign Inc.In house printing-shirts & signs$1,1332019-09-09
6Pointe DairyWater for volunteers$1,1232019-09-09
6Pointe DairyIn house printing- labels for water bottles$1,1232019-04-08
8SCF Kids at PlayCharitable donation$1,0002019-10-07
810th Congressional District Republican CommitteeDirect contribution$1,0002019-05-24
10David LeducWages$8422019-07-13
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-10-11
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-09-26
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-09-13
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-08-30
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-08-16
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-08-02
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-07-22
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-07-09
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-06-24
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consutling$8002019-06-11
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-05-26
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-05-14
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-04-27
24Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$7502019-04-12
25Blankstyle.comCampaign tshirts$7322019-07-31
26Incentive SupplyIn house-campaign logo pens$7212019-08-02
27The Italian TribuneNewspaper ad$5542019-04-15
28Younique CardsIn house embroidery$5302019-08-22
29Victor StrategiesIn house recordkeeping$5002019-07-31
29Janice McQueenWages$5002019-04-07
29Sold by Lisa LisaOffice supplies$5002019-01-14
33Robin Hill CateringFood expense$3742019-05-23
34Discount MugsIn house printing-promotional footballs$3662019-08-19
35Apple Orchard InnFood for parade walkers$3242019-09-02
36RWB Parks and RecreationParade sponsorship$3002019-08-26
37Wrist-Bands.comIn house direct printing-wrist bands$2972019-07-25
38The Italian TribuneNewspaper ad$2772019-07-08
39Robin Hill CateringFood for event$2682019-02-28
40Gregory IacobelliRefund of donation$2502019-03-22
41Sam's ClubParade candy$2262019-08-30
42AmazonCampaign shirts$2162019-10-15
43Robbie McQueenWages$2092019-07-31
44American Polish CenturyAdvertisement$1502019-06-27
45Sam's ClubCandy for trunk or treat$1432019-10-15
45Lisa DamonReimbursement- community trunk or treat$1432019-10-15
47AmazonCampaign polos$1342019-08-07
48Lisa DamonWages$1222019-07-31
49Younique CardsIn house embroidery of shirts$1052019-08-22
50Romeo LionsPeach festival sponsor$1002019-08-26
51USPS-Sterling HeightsPostage$912019-09-23
51Lisa DamonReimbursement- postage$912019-09-23
51Godaddy.comWebsite URL fee$912019-02-28
54Hartland ChecksChecks$852019-10-07
55MeijerWater bottles$782019-05-14
55Lisa DamonReimbursement-water bottles$782019-05-14
57MBWW Room RentalRoom rental$752019-10-08
57MBWW-Room RentalRoom rental for event$752019-05-24
59Godaddy.comWebsite domain fee$722019-01-23
60Bake HouseFood for parade walkers$612019-08-26
61Lisa DamonReimbursement- food expense$482019-05-28
62AmazonPolo campaign shirt$232019-07-30
63Lisa DamonReimbursement- stamps$222019-04-27
64First State BankBank fee$52019-08-30
64First State BankBank fee$52019-07-31
64First State BankBank fee$52019-07-31
64First State BankBank service fee$52019-06-28
64First State BankBank service fee$52019-05-31
64First State BankBank service fee$52019-04-30
64First State BankBank service fee$52019-02-28
64First State BankBank serivce fee$52019-01-31