
Great Lakes Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Douglas Chester Wozniak's campaign pays $292 to Robin Hill Catering

The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Douglas Chester Wozniak, the Committee to Elect Douglas C. Wozniak, paid $292 to Robin Hill Catering on October 20.

According to quarterly campaign statements filed with Michigan’s Secretary of State, the following reason was given for the expenditure: 'food for event'.

The committee has spent about $35,905 total since the beginning of the year, 2.6 percent of which has gone to Robin Hill Catering.

The following table lists the 73 payments the committee has made this year.

1HRCCDirect contribution$3,0002019-04-16
1David LeducWages$3,0002019-01-11
3Incentive SupplyCampaign pens$1,3912019-08-15
4Younique CardsIn house printing$1,1552019-07-31
5Empire Sign Inc.In house printing-shirts & signs$1,1332019-09-09
6Pointe DairyWater for volunteers$1,1232019-09-09
6Pointe DairyIn house printing- labels for water bottles$1,1232019-04-08
8SCF Kids at PlayCharitable donation$1,0002019-10-07
810th Congressional District Republican CommitteeDirect contribution$1,0002019-05-24
10David LeducWages$8422019-07-13
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-10-11
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-09-26
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-09-13
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-08-30
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-08-16
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-08-02
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-07-22
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-07-09
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-06-24
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consutling$8002019-06-11
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-05-26
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-05-14
11Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$8002019-04-27
24Sold by Lisa LisaIn house consulting$7502019-04-12
25Blankstyle.comCampaign tshirts$7322019-07-31
26Incentive SupplyIn house-campaign logo pens$7212019-08-02
27The Italian TribuneNewspaper ad$5542019-04-15
28Younique CardsIn house embroidery$5302019-08-22
29Victor StrategiesIn house recordkeeping$5002019-07-31
29Janice McQueenWages$5002019-04-07
29Sold by Lisa LisaOffice supplies$5002019-01-14
33Robin Hill CateringFood expense$3742019-05-23
34Discount MugsIn house printing-promotional footballs$3662019-08-19
35Incentive SupplyOffice supplies$3262019-10-20
36Apple Orchard InnFood for parade walkers$3242019-09-02
37RWB Parks and RecreationParade sponsorship$3002019-08-26
38Wrist-Bands.comIn house direct printing-wrist bands$2972019-07-25
39Robin Hill CateringFood for event$2922019-10-20
40The Italian TribuneNewspaper ad$2772019-07-08
41Robin Hill CateringFood for event$2682019-02-28
42Gregory IacobelliRefund of donation$2502019-03-22
43Sam's ClubParade candy$2262019-08-30
44AmazonCampaign shirts$2162019-10-15
45Robbie McQueenWages$2092019-07-31
46American Polish CenturyAdvertisement$1502019-06-27
47Sam's ClubCandy for trunk or treat$1432019-10-15
47Lisa DamonReimbursement- community trunk or treat$1432019-10-15
49AmazonCampaign polos$1342019-08-07
50Lisa DamonWages$1222019-07-31
51Younique CardsIn house embroidery of shirts$1052019-08-22
52Romeo LionsPeach festival sponsor$1002019-08-26
53USPS-Sterling HeightsPostage$912019-09-23
53Lisa DamonReimbursement- postage$912019-09-23
53Godaddy.comWebsite URL fee$912019-02-28
56Hartland ChecksChecks$852019-10-07
57MeijerWater bottles$782019-05-14
57Lisa DamonReimbursement-water bottles$782019-05-14
59MBWW Room RentalRoom rental$752019-10-08
59MBWW-Room RentalRoom rental for event$752019-05-24
61Godaddy.comWebsite domain fee$722019-01-23
62Bake HouseFood for parade walkers$612019-08-26
63Lisa DamonReimbursement- food expense$482019-05-28
64AmazonPolo campaign shirt$232019-07-30
65Lisa DamonReimbursement- stamps$222019-04-27
66First State BankBank fee$52019-08-30
66First State BankBank fee$52019-07-31
66First State BankBank fee$52019-07-31
66First State BankBank service fee$52019-06-28
66First State BankBank service fee$52019-05-31
66First State BankBank service fee$52019-04-30
66First State BankBank service fee$52019-02-28
66First State BankBank serivce fee$52019-01-31