
Great Lakes Wire

Sunday, September 29, 2024

MI COS team influences policymakers, opens doors with conference connections

20210925 151030

Dave Vigna, center | Provided

Dave Vigna, center | Provided

Convention of States Action Michigan has issued the following press release: 

On Sept. 24, a significant contingent of seasoned Michigan Convention of States (COS) District Captains, Regional Captains, and other senior COS volunteers traveled to Mackinac Island to host a booth at the 34th Annual Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference to network and save America. While a trip to Mackinac Island sounds like fun and leisure, it’s clear that the team worked hard, taking every opportunity to spread the COS message and inspire others to join the fight to rein in the federal government.

While 42 petitions were signed throughout the weekend, the most beneficial result of the volunteer effort was creating relationships with well-connected individuals. These interactions led to various plans for future petition drive events and access to facilities. These will all help spread the COS message to even more potential petition signers and potential volunteers and help us save America!

Convention of States Action is a nonprofit organization dedicated to self-governance and its mission of creating an engaged and educated (peaceful) army of grassroots activists. Its aspirational goal is to inspire a spiritual and political awakening in America.

Additional goals of Convention of States Action include encouraging states to stand up and curtail the runaway power of the federal government using Article V of the US Constitution. Article V grants state legislatures the right to call a Convention of States to recommend amendments. It gives us, as concerned citizens, the opportunity to demand change.

You can also become involved in COS by signing the online petition; since this is a national effort, your state of residence does not matter. Signing the petition generates an email to your State House Representative and your State Senator, telling them you want them to vote to make your state a part of the Convention of States to save America.

So far, the organization's resolution has passed in 15 states and is close to passing in several others; 34 states must pass identical resolutions to create an amending Convention. When an amendment is proposed, 38 states will need to ratify any changes to the Constitution for them to become law.

While the COS solution is powerful, many politicians and citizens do not know about it. The need to educate current and future policymakers was a big reason that the Michigan COS leadership team attended the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference. COS leaders had extensive discussions with a number of county commissioners, resulting in the planning of several upcoming town hall meetings.  

In addition, a discussion between COS leaders and some of MI House Rep. Matt Hall's personal contacts resulted in access to a local church congregation and another GOP county commissioner for town halls and presentation opportunities. Rep. Matt Hall sponsored the Convention of States Resolution, HJR-E, (currently in the Michigan House of Representatives). He also presented at the Mackinac conference. To tell your MI House Rep to support bill HJR-E for a Convention of States, visit: www.michigan.gov/government for their contact details and call or write to them today. 

The COS leaders also taught numerous other politicians about the COS solution, namely three MI gubernatorial candidates and several MI and US House and Senate candidates. Further, since so many DCs and RCs were on site, Dave Schneider, Regional Director, hosted COS strategy sessions during breaks to determine which MI state legislators support COS, which do not, and which appear undecided.

While standing in line to take the ferry ride back to the main land, spontaneous conversations yielded even more interest in volunteering and other opportunities. Before even making it to shore, one volunteer's COS ball cap had inspired an influential, politically active patriot to commit to becoming a District Captain and hosting a town hall at his business! And no rest for the passionate weary, another potential volunteer or District Captain conversation occurred on the shuttle from the ferry to the long-term parking lot.

It really paid off to never stop talking about COS, no matter where the team was at the event. In summary, the biggest benefits and rewards for being at the event were the long-term contacts that will open many doors for access to influencers, hosting events for exposure to multitudes, and introducing many future policymakers.

If you've been inspired to join the fight and volunteer with COS, please visit www.conventionofstates.com/take_action, watch the videos for roles that interest you, and apply. If you have questions about volunteering, feel free to contact Bill Pacey, State Grassroots Coordinator, at: william.pacey@cosaction.com. To sign the COS petition, please visit: www.conventionofstates.com. To tell your MI House Rep to support bill HJR-E for a Convention of States, visit: www.michigan.gov/government for their contact details and call and or write to them today.