
Great Lakes Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Thomas M. Barrett's campaign pays $500 to Marketing Resource Group Inc.

The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Thomas M. Barrett, Friends of Tom Barrett, paid $500 to Marketing Resource Group Inc. on July 29.

According to quarterly campaign statements filed with Michigan’s Secretary of State, the following reason was given for the expenditure: 'in house consulting'.

The committee has spent about $15,042 total since the beginning of the year, 5.9 percent of which has gone to Marketing Resource Group Inc..

The following table lists the 21 payments the committee has made this year.

1Senate Republican Campaign CommitteeDues$7,0002019-03-05
2Senate Republican Campaign CommitteeDues$3,0002019-06-18
3Eaton County GOPSponsorship$1,0802019-07-18
4AmazonCampaign office supplies$6352019-07-18
5Marketing Resource Group Inc.In house consulting$5002019-07-29
6Marketing Resource Group Inc.Consulting in house$3872019-06-13
7Ingham County GOPSponsor fee$3002019-06-24
7Shiawassee County GOPSponsorship$3002019-05-02
9Eaton County Strutting TomsWild turkey federation charity$2702019-02-01
10Greenstone FCS4H auction$2552019-07-19
11Fourth District GOPFundraiser tickets$2002019-01-22
12Eaton County Tea PartySponsorship/ad$1802019-02-25
13Protect Life MichiganEvent tickets$1502019-05-09
14Chick-Fil-AFood expense$1432019-03-21
15Grand Ledge RTLEvent$1352019-05-13
16AmazonCampaign office supplies$1022019-07-18
17New Beginning Pregnancy CenterTickets to charity event$1002019-06-13
17Right to Life of MichiganTicket event$1002019-05-14
19Fourth District GOPAd$752019-01-22
20St. Johns Mint FestivalParade fee$702019-07-24
21Clinton County Right to LifeEvent tickets$602019-04-12