
Great Lakes Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Thomas M. Barrett's campaign pays $351 to Nip and Sip Catering

The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Thomas M. Barrett, Friends of Tom Barrett, paid $351 to Nip and Sip Catering on August 28.

According to quarterly campaign statements filed with Michigan’s Secretary of State, the following reason was given for the expenditure: 'catering'.

The committee has spent about $17,876 total since the beginning of the year, 2 percent of which has gone to Nip and Sip Catering.

The following table lists the 27 payments the committee has made this year.

1Senate Republican Campaign CommitteeDues$7,0002019-03-05
2Senate Republican Campaign CommitteeDues$3,0002019-06-18
3Eaton County GOPSponsorship$1,0802019-07-18
4Shiawassee County Jr. Livestock AssociationAd/4H auction$7252019-08-09
5Greenstone FCSAd/auction$7132019-08-15
6AmazonCampaign office supplies$6352019-07-18
7Marketing Resource Group Inc.In house consulting$5002019-08-28
7Marketing Resource Group Inc.In house consulting$5002019-07-29
9Greenstone FCSAd/4H auction$4462019-08-01
10Marketing Resource Group Inc.Consulting in house$3872019-06-13
11Nip and Sip CateringCatering$3512019-08-28
12Ingham County GOPSponsor fee$3002019-06-24
12Shiawassee County GOPSponsorship$3002019-05-02
14Eaton County Strutting TomsWild turkey federation charity$2702019-02-01
15Greenstone FCS4H auction$2552019-07-19
16Fourth District GOPFundraiser tickets$2002019-01-22
17Eaton County Tea PartySponsorship/ad$1802019-02-25
18Protect Life MichiganEvent tickets$1502019-05-09
19Chick-Fil-AFood expense$1432019-03-21
20Grand Ledge RTLEvent$1352019-05-13
21AmazonCampaign office supplies$1022019-07-18
22Governors Room (Karoub)Rental of room$1002019-08-14
22New Beginning Pregnancy CenterTickets to charity event$1002019-06-13
22Right to Life of MichiganTicket event$1002019-05-14
25Fourth District GOPAd$752019-01-22
26St. Johns Mint FestivalParade fee$702019-07-24
27Clinton County Right to LifeEvent tickets$602019-04-12