Kevin Coleman is a member of the Democratic Party.
The following table lists all contributions reported by the committee in April.
Amount | Contributor | Date | Contribution type |
$250 | Michigan Community College Association | 2019-04-13 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$500 | Comcast Corp. PAC | 2019-04-16 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$500 | Michigan Action Cmte Rural Electrification | 2019-04-17 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$50 | James Haadsma | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$50 | Kathleen Merry | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$100 | Christine Greig | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$250 | Clark Hill PAC | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$250 | CMS Employees for Better Government | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$250 | DTE Energy Co. PAC | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$250 | Michigan Association of Ins. Agents PAC | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$250 | Michigan Nurses Association PAC | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$250 | Michigan PAC SFAA | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$250 | Michigan Townships Association PAC | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$500 | Health PAC | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |
$500 | Kevin McKinney | 2019-04-30 | Direct fundraiser donations |